Reddit Comments On “data Engineer” Udacity Nanodegree

Vue-smooth-picker – A smooth picker component for Vue 2.x, like iOS native datetime picker. Vue-lumino – A component to use Vue.js with Jupyter Lumino , integrating DOM & VDOM through event listeners and Vue reactivity system. Vue-image-zoomer – image zoom component for Vue.js 2, that also works on touch devices.

Integrated debugging is a core part of every Visual Studio product. Vue-prerender – A Vue.js tailored plugin which implements three strategies for prerendering Vue.js pages using headless chrome. Rapydml_cmp – Vue-component MongoDB vs PostgreSQL pythonic generator, built on top of RapydML & RapydScript. Vue-apollo-connector-kit – JWT authentication with 2 different strategies . Vuetober – Single page apps with Laravel, Vue.js, and October CMS.

  • Vue-tiny-pagination – A Vue component for create a tiny pagination.
  • Vuex-rest-api – A Helper utility to simplify the usage of REST APIs with Vuex.
  • JSON Editor – A schema-aware JSON editor built with Vue2 and firebase.
  • This allows the developer to combine the strengths of both database types.

A non-relational database is a nontabular database with a flexible schema that works well for storing unstructured data. Contrary to its name, a non-relational database can store related data. It does so by nesting related data within a single data structure instead of splitting them between tables.

Vue-flipper – A component to flip children with a nice transition. V-pagy – A lightweight and customizeable Bootstrap Pagination for Vue. Pimg – A Simple Progressive Image Component used for lazy loading images. Vue-scroll-stop – Stops propagation scroll when edge reached. Vue-scroll-behavior – Customize the scroll behavior on route navigation.

Vue-konva – Vue & Canvas – JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue. Vue-interactive-paycard – A fantastic credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions. Vue-ripple-directive – Material Ripple Effect as Vue Directive.

Vuelidate – Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js. Vue-container-query-2 – Smart vue plugin for working with css container query. Vue-viewports – Define your custom viewports and use them in your components. Vue-observe-visibility – Vue 2.x directive using Intersection Observer API that detects if the element is visible . Vue-click-helper – Vue2.x directive to handle click event and dblclick event on same element.

Pim Software For Data Management

Vue2-migration-helper – Transforms Vue.js SFCs to composition api syntax. Vue-super – A simple plugin to call methods on parent components. Vue-2-crumbs – Breadcrumbs plugin for Vue.js 2 framework that allows to select parent route in route meta object with no need of sub-routing.

MongoDB vs PostgreSQL reddit

The new Razor editor now supports the “wrap div” shortcut Shift+Alt+W. The new Razor editor now supports the ability to collapse regions. We added a new refactoring that removes unnecessary lambda expressions and calls the method group directly. In C# 11 we added a new language feature called raw string literals.

Components & Libraries

Visual Studio is a fully featured IDE to code, debug, test, and deploy to any platform. Develop with the entire toolset from initial design to final deployment. Prerender-plugin – A Node.js/ webpack plugin to prerender static HTML in a single-page application . Vue-component-generator – A generator for vue component, supports Vue1.X and Vue2.X. Vue-design – the best website visualization builder with Vue and Electron.

MongoDB vs PostgreSQL reddit

1) Follow some online courses – this should get you at least started with some knowledge in the domain. EDX, Coursera or Udacity all offer a decent offering to get started in the domain. Before going full-on on Big data I would suggest taking a few more courses on Python and SQL.

When To Choose Sql And When To Choose Nosql

Vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha – A simple invisible Google reCAPTCHA component focused solely on programmatic invocation. Vue-raven – Automatically reports uncaught JavaScript exceptions triggered from vue component. Vue-lodash – A simple wrapper for integrating lodash to Vue 2. Vue-jsx-hot-loader – Enable HMR for Vue.js components with JSX render functions. Vue-mods-names – Adding modificators to class names for all components in app. Vuex-loopback – Vuex module factory and Vue components for Loopback.

Vue-burger-menu – An off-canvas sidebar Menu component with different CSS animations. V-selectmenu – A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution for Vue2. Vue-dynamic-marquee – Marquee component, fully responsive to changes on the fly.

MongoDB vs PostgreSQL reddit

Vue-longpress – A VueJS (2.x) button component that requires you to keep pressing to confirm a given action. Works on right click or can be triggered programatically. Vue-image-painter – 🙋 Image magic animation drawing effect component for Vue 2.x. Vue-load-image – display loader during image loading, as well as by display alternate content when the image fails to load. Vue2-medium-editor – A MediumEditor component for Vue 2. Vue-r-mask – Directive with template similar to javascript regular expression.

Vue-picture-swipe – Vue Picture Swipe Gallery (a gallery of image with thumbnails, lazy-load and swipe) backed by photoswipe. Minus-plus-input – A number input with plus minus; included for Vue.js v1 and v2. Vue-router-nav – Minimalistic responsive navigation bar that renders routes of vue-router. Vue-messagebox – Easy and made-to-order messagebox component on Vue. Vue-image-lightbox – A Vue image lightbox/gallery to display images nicely.

Roast – An app built to help coffee enthusiasts find their next cup of coffee while learning about Laravel + Vue.js. Astrum – A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project. Voten – A Reddit-like platform built with Vue2 and Laravel. Vue2-admin-lte – a project that converts AdminLTE to work with Vuejs (v2.x). CoPilot – An admin portal based on AdminLTE with vue.js integration.

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Vue3-openlayers – Vue 3 components to work with OpenLayers. V-idle – A Vue.js plugin to detect idle/non-active users. Vue-countdown-timer – Added timezone conversion support.

Storyblok vuejs-boilerplate – Integrates Storyblok’s Component System, allows to create editable Websites. 2) I am not sure where you are based, but data engineering bootcamps might be available. The most famous data engineering Bootcamp is the Insight program in the US, which teaches the basics of data engineering in about 7 weeks. Chances are there might be a data engineering Bootcamp program close to where you live.

Vue-loadable – A plugin to improve loading state control with pretty simple methods, decorators and helpers. Vue-authplugin – an elegant view auth control plugin, support directive and prototype methods. Vue-page-visibility-awesome – A Vue 2.x component of easy-to-config page visibility api. Vue-fullscreen – A simple Vue component for fullscreen, support Vue2 and Vue3. V-visible – Vue.js directive for setting visibility of an element.

A Simplified Trello Clone Built With React, Redux, Node, Express And Mongodb

TravelMap – A simple way for travelers to create a blog based on a Map. Greenpress Blog-Front – The frontend application service of Greenpress, a fully-operative open-source for creating blogs and content websites. – RSS News aggregator built with Vue.js, Ant Design of Vue and NodeJS. Mockup-server – Mockup-server is easily create server from local directory.

A Full Stack Task Manager Application Built With Node, React,mongodb,and Mantine

Coloban – All-in-one project management tool with chats, Kanban, Gantt, calls, screenshare and many more. VueA – VueJS Admin template with multiple layouts and laravel version. Karrot-frontend – Web application for organization of foodsaving groups worldwide. Pexelry – Application that leverages the pexels api to enable you find beautifull photos and pictures. – 📝 Create and share beautiful images of your notes and prose. Rapido is fast, easy to use and respectful of your privacy.

Hybrid Database Example

Vue-scroll-progressbar – A customizable component that indicates the scroll relative position in a progressbar. Vue-scroll-to – Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements. Vue-scrollto – Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements. @vuito/vue – Simple, lightweight, isomorphic, and template-based validation library.

The key features of MySQL are scalability, security and replication. SQLite was originally a C-language library built to implement a small, fast, self-contained, serverless and reliable SQL database engine. Now SQLite is built into core Python, which means you don’t need to install it. In Python, this database communication library is called sqlite3. From client-side to server-side the language used is JavaScript it becomes easier for the developers to learn and develop a web application.

Vue-ts-locale – A plugin for implementing translations using Intl in Vue.js 2 with typescript support. Vue-api-query – Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API. Vue-api-request – A plugin that provides full control on your APIs, making your request simple, fast, and easy to implement. Vue-material-design-ripple – Add material design ripple to any element. Vue-simple-headful – Easily set meta-tags with vue.js – a simpler vue-headful alternative with TypeScript support.

V3confirm – A plugin dedicated for vue3 to show confirm dialog modal. Vue-img-orientation-changer – A Vue.js directive that automatically adjust your img to correct orientation. Vue-img-lazy-tiny – A vue3 directive that provide a shield while loading. Epic-spinners – Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration.

Vnodes – General purpose components to create svg interactive graphs, diagrams or node based visual tools. Vue-pipeline – A easy-to-use component to show beautiful responsive pipeline like jenkins blue ocean plugin. Vue-data-loading – Another component for infinite scroll and pull down/up to load data. Vue-scroller – An infinite content loop component for Vue.js 2, including functionalities such as ‘pull-to-refresh’, ‘infinite-loading’, ‘snaping-scroll’.


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